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Scam Alert: We are posting this message to make you aware of a SCAM that is falsely using the name of Attorney Tracy Williams. The SCAM seems to be occurring via telephone and/or text messages at this time. The scammers allege that Attorney Williams has filed legal proceedings against the person they are calling or texting, and they provide a false case number. The scammers also provide a fake toll-free number and request payment of fines from the potential victim. My office would never request payment of fines. If you receive any communication from these scammers, please alert our office. Your safety and privacy are our top priority.
This firm is dedicated to focusing on the particular needs of each and every client.
Our team is knowledgeable, caring and compassionate. Our approach is straightforward. We listen to you, and we work together to help you accomplish your goals.
Please call us to schedule your appointment today. We will work hard to get the job done right.
(Photo at right: Bill Barbour, retired, with Attorney Tracy Williams)
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